
Posts Tagged ‘free at last’

blind justice with scales

Blind Justice

There she is, ladies and gents; the beautiful, Romanesque, Blind Justice.  She sees nothing, but judges fairly, plus she has a sword.  I mean, who wouldn’t respect a blindfolded woman waving around a sword and a set of scales?  She could poke out your eyeballs like olives on a stick if she finds you guilty, and put them in the scales for snacks later on.

Today is the day I am supposed to go into court to defend my innocence in a case involving me, and a prick with a BMW. Or better yet, I should say ‘”was” the court date, for it is no longer on my calendar. It has been X’d out with a thick red sharpie, ripped from the page, and crumpled into a ball for a perfect 3 pointer into the waste basket.

Before you ask, no I am not bailing and heading for the border.  For one, Taco Bell makes me ill, and i would fry like a lobster in Mexico without bathing in SPF 150 first.  No, the reason I use a passive is because of a call I received early Monday morning from the Insurance Company’s lawyers.  They filed a move for ‘Dismissal in my Favor.”  I asked if they needed me to go into court this morning anyway, and they said no, so I asked to have a copy of their request faxed to me for my records.  They did.  I now own a precious fax 3 pages long stating that this whole horrific experience –after a year and a half of grinding at my soul–is Over.



No soup for you.


The law firm gave it their best shot to bully me into rolling over so they could pull over $4000 from my rear end as I cried, “please sir, may I have some more?”  But there will be no crying this day in Sherman Oaks.  In the end (heheh), they failed.  I was never guilty of being responsible for the damage to their client’s car, and I was willing to testify in court.  It seems they finally realized I was telling the truth, and it would cost them far more in legal fees to continue coming after me, when I have nothing they can take.  So, they folded up their egos and closed the case with prejudice–which means they cannot come after me ever again for this issue.

You have no idea how liberating it is knowing the dark shadow of the attacking force is no longer constantly lingering around me.  Lady Justice has removed the 1 Ton weight from my shoulders, turned on the light, and deemed me ‘innocent.’  In the end, the truth has set me free.   The downside to this entire fiasco is my development of a complex against watching any law-related television shows, hearing about courts on the radio, the news, in person, or even seeing a business suit and hearing anything in legal-eeze.  I don’t know how long it will take to overcome the panic attacks they send vibrating through my body, but I hope this fear isn’t permanent.  These guys are lucky I am not going to counter-sue for emotional and psychological damage.

Now I can focus on what really matters: Itara,  and my future.

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