
Archive for November, 2008

T’was the Eve of Thanksgiving…

…When all through the house,

Not a turkey was roasting, not a butt on the couch.

No one had made beds, or vacumed the floors,

Or cleaned out the bunnies that clung to the doors.

The yard was in ruin from gold leaves with red,

Just after the rake was replaced in the shed. 

The stuffing lay stuffed in its package with care,

In hopes that St. Freezerburn’s touch wouldn’t dare,

Defile the foul that would be the Turducken.

Without it, Thanksgiving itself would be nothin’.

The three beasts that make up this wild concoction,

Was planned by a man with no feast time direction.

The Honey baked ham sat chilling with care,

Near three pumpkin pies, Yams, and something with hair.

The holiday place settings remained in their box,

And the silver wear’s silver was stained with old spots.

Tomorow’s the day friends and family will call,

Expecting a dinner to rival them all.

Diets and weight plans will sluff to the side, 

As soon as the guests get a whiff of the pie.

The game will be blareing on the old T.V set,

And the kids will be playing soccer with no net.

Grandpa will snore at the 1st and down,

Forcing uncle to turn up the halftime sound.

The dishes will pile up high in the sink,

And the women will gab while the men sit and drink.

Eventually all will go on their way,

Except for your brother, who’s got no’else to stay.

Thanksgiving will promise a chaotic time,

But tonight, my dear family, this sofa is MINE!


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Much Nothing About Adu

Other than hearing all sorts of stories regarding fabrics from two sources in my life, there really hasn’t been much going on.  I have yet to start the PRI trials, and may have to drive over and give them my medical records.  So, in order to refrain from moaning and groaning about how financialy inept I am, this idiot will take her complaints and leave them on the floor in front of the t.v. 

In conclusion, there is much adu about nothing.  Unless I edit this post.

Edit:  Ok, I bought car insurance, and that cost me a pretty penny, but after realizing I’d been driving so long without it, I had to bite the bullet.  On top of owing a few more companies more than I can afford right now, the insurance took precidence.  I feel better knowing my car won’t be towed for that reason, at least.

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Jonathan Brandis. 5 Years

Today marks 5 years since Jonathan died.  At 2:44pm, I will officially be older than him.  He was born 5 years after me, and I never thought, or wished, to be older than him.  It’s quite depressing, and it feels like I’m passing him up in more ways than just age.  From now one, I will get to experience more than he had the chance to.  It’s sad. 

He lived a full life –traveling to Prague a number of times, shooting films all over the U.S.A and Canada, going to celebrity parties that included the Playboy Bunny house, and seeing and doing more than most people get to in a life time.  He never went to college, though I think that if he’d had the chance, he would have donned the laptop bag and spent time cramming for midterms and finals.  He couldn’t sing worth a lick, but he could play the piano, and by God he could act.  He was one of the most incredibly talented actors I’d ever met or known. 

The time between 2003 and now has been filled with a menagerie of events, emotions, situations, and heavy duty changes.  Not all of the changes have been bad.  God put me where I had to be, with the people who needed me as much as I needed them.  Because of Jonathan, I have some of the best friends a girl could ask for.  Sadly, I lost Jeff Rosenberg last year to a cerebral hemorrhage.  Today is to remember Jonathan, but also to remember Jeff because he had a deep appreciation for Jon, and losing him altered his life as well.  I can only hope it was for the better at least in some ways. 

I wish Jon had had more time.  Maybe he could have received help dealing with his depression and his life situations.  I wish that I had had the chance to know him personally for more than a night, although I know him now far more than anyone else.  Again, I say I will never regret my decision to meet him.  His impact on my life changed my life for good.

And I will never forget.

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Weekend Wordz: Valley Trek

See?  I told you I’d forget to write something on friday.

I had intended to sit all day at Starbucks,  sporting a comotose stare at a blank laptop screen and counting the number of times the curser blinked in a minute.  My plans were foiled that morning.  Instead of waisting time, I did something productive with it.  I drove around the valley as chaparone for one of my friends.  I didn’t mind, really.  There was good company and food involved, and both combinations are rarely something I say ‘no’ to.  I did manage to finish one section of book 2 on Saturday night that will probably be placed somewhere toward the middle.  Concidering how long my last novel is –a mere 489 pages– halfway is still a long way off.  I’ve also started the process of binding a copy so it looks like a decent, real book.  I can’t concentrate enough on writing it to keep going for any length of time.  In fact, I’ve already spent ten minutes typing this becuase I’ve wondered off somewhere else entirly. 

Let’s stay on that topic, shall we?  I drove over to the P.R.I offices in Encino on Monday just to see if they got my message last Friday regarding contact numbers to obtain my medical records.  Apparently I haven’t been sick enough in my life, so retrieving them from the piles of dusty files was going to take a drug sniffing dog, two detectives, and one bag of peanuts.  Apparently peanuts are essential to detective work.  I have yet to hear from P.R.I as to weither I’ll be taking part in the study, or if I made it under the deadline — which is this week. 

Watch for Falling Topics.

Today is November 11th.  Anyone who knows me well knows that today and tomorrow hold significant meaning for me.  In 2003 just before midnight , Jonathan Brandis commited suicide by a hangmans noose.  He died the next day of brain damage due to lack of oxygen, and a crushed larynx.  For tonight and all of tomorrow, I will be honoring his memory.  His death marked a drastic change in my life, and in myself, and I’ve never been the same since.  If anything good came of this, it was the lesson that I learned from his actions:  Tell those you love that you love them, becuase you might not see them again.  This became more true since last september –around the aniversary of when I met Jon–that Ray wound up in the hospital due to scarily high blood pressure that fortunatly evaporated a clot that almost killed him.   It was during this time that Jon’s lesson slapped me hard in the face. 

I was fortunate enough to have one night of my life with Jonathan.  That was one of the few true moments of happiness I’ve ever felt, and I will never regret making the trip to L.A that september day.  Although I’ve moved on with my life –got a few new jobs, had a boyfriend for some time, moved to L.A, finished my novel and starting another–, a part of him will always be with me. 

Tonight, I shall toast with a friend over home made fudge and a good movie. If I don’t post tomorrow, at least the reason has been made clear. 

Take care.

P.S.  It’s suppose to be 98 degrees here on Friday. ………  >_<  It’s November!  What part of November does mother nature not understand?  There is no bloody excuse for this kind of chaotic weather in middle of Fall!  ~_~ … This will all end in tears, I just know it.

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Results Show

I have a strange feeling this blog will be turned into my report booklet for the PRI medical trials.  That is, if I remember to post, it will be.  See, I went in for the consultation with one of the their doctors, and after a while, he said that I showed signs of ADD and Depression.  I am officially qualified to participate in the medical trials, which makes me wonder if that verdict is a good thing or a bad thing. 

I went through the hassel of obtaining my medical records from the Sonora local file warehouse.  Since I haven’t been seen by a GP for a check-up since 2001, the records had passed the “keep in the office” time alloted, and were moved to the warehouse.  The studies start next week.  Ironicly, I forgot to call my father and ask for the information yesterday so I could go ahead an be involved in this trial.  Need any more proof?  I can’t afford any real therapy, or lengthy therapy, so this is the closest I can get.  I’m trying to activly find help to fix myself so I can have a normal life and ambitions like everyone else.  I just want everyone to know that. 

And that’s the word, hummingbird.  Tune in tomorrow (if I remember) for the next exciting installment.

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November with a Bang

Well, it’s November again.  This is the month of Thanksgiving that makes us all think of shades of oranges, yellows, russets, golden hues, and browns.  And then there’s the color of the leaves…

I’d like to start off with a congradulations to President-Elect Barack Obama for his landslide victory over Senator John McCain.  This was without a doubt the most publicized, most mocked (SNL), most difficult campaign ever run in American history.  With two wars on our backs, and an econimic crisis so fragil it would break if someone blew on it, the outcome of this election was going to sound bells all around the world.  And how. 

Today at 6:45, I’m going in to PRI (Pharmocology Research Institute) in Encino for a consultation to see if I qualify for any of the medical trials regarding ADD/ADHD, and depression.  The latter of which I’m sure was caused by the ADD.  This way, I’ll have proof that I’m one of two things: A) Broken, or B) naturally the village idiot.  Perhaps they’ll be able to find out why I have an “Awe, screw it” outlook most days.  There are some days when I’m all gung-ho, but they’re bursts of short lived emotion, and usually don’t last an entire day.  Here’s hoping there’s some way to fix me, and it doens’t involve needles.  I hate needles as much as Garfield loves lasagnia.   If anyone is curious about what I’m thinking of doing, the website is www.priresearch.com.

I started writing a little bit on my second novel yesterday.  Not much was completed.  I think I wrote a page or two before I left to watch the election results.  It’s taking me a long time to realize that I don’t have to write straight through from beginning to end.  Writing here and there is going against my English programing of “Write the story, and stay within the lines” sort of thinking.  If that made any sense.  If not, then welcome to the club.  Maybe this book will at least reach something that looks like a half way point by next summer.

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